Christian Peace Theology 01 March 2014 12:00 pm Venue: Minneapolis Convention Center Categories: Lecture Tags: dialogue, pacifism, peace, theology, violence This lecture, held at the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Forum, will survey theological debates over war and violence within the Christian tradition in a way that assumes others are listening in.
PEACE Weekend Duluth 20 February 2015 Venue: Duluth, MN area churches Categories: Lecture Tags: Duluth, ecumenical, peace PEACE Weekend Duluth is a series of events and presentations on the theme of promoting peace and justice within our homes and parishes, our culture, and even within ourselves.
Just War or Just Peace? 15 April 2015 7:45 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Iraq, peace, war Weldon Nisly will propose Just Peace as a more faithful and effective way to transform conflict in our world than the tragedy of just war.