The Contemporary Ecumenical Movement in Relation to the Black Church 23 October 2013 1:00 pm Venue: Camphor United Methodist Church in Saint Paul Categories: Lecture Tags: Black church, Davis, dialogue, ecumenical, Hoyt, race, Ware Beverly Goines, a resident scholar at the Collegeville Institute, a Ph.D. candidate at The Catholic University of America, and an assistant pastor at National City Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Washington, D.C., presents her research on the ecumenical vision of the Black Church in the theologies of Thomas Hoyt, Jr., Fredrick Ware, and Kortright Davis.
Christian Peace Theology 01 March 2014 12:00 pm Venue: Minneapolis Convention Center Categories: Lecture Tags: dialogue, pacifism, peace, theology, violence This lecture, held at the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Forum, will survey theological debates over war and violence within the Christian tradition in a way that assumes others are listening in.
Lumen Gentium, Ecumenism & The Pope Francis Factor 27 March 2014 7:30 pm Venue: Pellegrene Auditorium, SJU Science Center Categories: Lecture Tags: dialogue, ecumenism, Pope Francis, vatican II Bishop Madden will reflect on the significance of Lumen Gentium, Vatican II's Constitution on the Church.
Longing for Communion 22 October 2014 7:30 pm Venue: Pellegrene Auditorium, SJU Science Center Categories: Lecture Tags: dialogue, ecumenism, Elizabeth Groppe, vatican II Elizabeth Groppe will reflect on the significance of Unitatis Redintergratio, Vatican II's Decree on Ecumenism.
Implications of the Holocaust for Multireligious Conversations 20 April 2015 4:15 pm Venue: Quadrangle Building 264 Categories: Lecture Tags: conflict, conversation, dialogue, holocaust, interfaith Victoria Barnett will discuss the implications of the holocaust for multireligious conversations.