Longing for Communion September 17, 2014 By Event Details Date: Wednesday, Oct 22nd, 2014, 7:30 pm Venue: Pellegrene Auditorium, SJU Science Center Categories: Lecture Tags: dialogue, ecumenism, Elizabeth Groppe, vatican II On the 50th anniversary of Unitatis Redintergratio, the Second Vatican Council’s decree on Ecumenism, this presentation will include a summary of the historical origins of this document, a discussion of the flowering of ecumenical initiatives that took place after the Council with particular attention to the work of the Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical & Cultural Research here at Saint John’s, and a proposal for a new initiative to advance the conciliar vision of a Church in which “all may be one” (Jn 17:21). Associate Professor of Theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, Elizabeth Groppe received her doctorate in systematic theology from the University of Notre Dame. She is the author of Yves Congar’s Theology of the Holy Spirit (Oxford: 2004), a study of the theology of a French Dominican who was a leader among Catholics in the ecumenical movement and a major contributor to the ecclesiology of Vatican II. This lecture is part of a full-day event—Vatican II + Ecumenism, part III. This series of five events is focused on the five key documents of the Vatican Council II. For more information or to register for this event, visit www.vaticanIItalks.org Cosponsored by the School of Theology·Seminary.