Following the Journey of Henri Nouwen May 15, 2018 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment The Episcopal House of Prayer is hosting spiritual retreat that follows the journey of Henri Nouwen on May 24-27, 2018. Next only to the famed contemplative Trappist monk Thomas Merton, Fr. Henri Nouwen stands as one of the greatest spiritual writers of the last century. Nouwen managed to make spirituality so accessible to ordinary people. Henri Nouwen believed our common human experience of tension and imperfection influences our spiritual journey towards wholeness and integration. But these realities also are the experiences that make up transformation and renewal. Join Wil Hernandez as he guides participants on the journey of Nouwen, through his wisdom and the example of his life as it deepens our capacity to befriend tension and imperfection on the path to interior transformation. $425 includes tuition, meals & lodging $245 commuter rate includes tuition & meals Register today by contacting the Episcopal House of Prayer at 320.363.3293 or Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.