Hilversum, Netherlands, September 21, 1996
How much I suffered, I never hid
Even at the risk of appearing foolish. It was
Not for personal gain that I
Revealed my weakness but because
I so deeply desired union with God through
Jesus. His death unveiled the mystery, how we
Move from time into eternity, how much we
Need each other. My struggles were not
Obstacles to happiness, but the path to God.
Unnerved now by this awful leap before me, I
Worry. How will he catch me? Mine is the
Easy part: Keep both eyes fixed on Jesus and
Never look back.
At the time of his death, Dutch-born Father Henri J. M. Nouwen was researching circus trapeze artists. Many of his forty books draw from his experiences as pastor at Daybreak, a L’Arche community near Toronto.
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A beautiful story told in a few words. I just learned about Nouwen and his trapeze friend so this really resonates with me.
Love this!