Paul, the Apostle 17 February 2014 8:00 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture Tags: apostle, mystic, Paul, theologian Fr. Michael Patella and Fr. František will offer two perspectives on Saint Paul in this presentation: Paul as mystic and Paul as practical theologian.
Bar Jonah 22 October 2014 3:30 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture Tags: Catholic, ecumenism, vatican II Come explore the basics of Unitatis Redintergratio, one of the five key documents of the Vatican Council II.
Just War or Just Peace? 15 April 2015 7:45 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Iraq, peace, war Weldon Nisly will propose Just Peace as a more faithful and effective way to transform conflict in our world than the tragedy of just war.
Toward a Noncompetitive Theology of the Church 16 November 2015 7:45 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: theology, vatican II In this evening’s event, Rick Gaillardetz will propose a noncompetitive theology of the church that can resolve enduring problems concerning the relationship between the pope and bishops, laity and clergy, church and the world.
Re-membering the Body 04 April 2016 7:45 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation This lecture will explore the significance of the Joint Ecumenical Commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, and the celebratory points of 50 years of Lutheran-Catholic dialogue.
A Writer’s Journey: Benedictine Values as Muse with Kathleen Norris 21 October 2018 7:00 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Kathleen Norris, Saint John's Abbey, spiritual practice, Sunday at the Abbey, writing Kathleen Norris, acclaimed author and Fall 2018 Resident Scholar at the Collegeville Institute, will present "A Writer's Journey: Benedictine Values as Muse."
Words and the Word: The Writer as Seeker and Servant with Dorothy Bass 11 November 2018 7:00 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Dorothy Bass, spiritual practice, Sunday at the Abbey, writing Dorothy Bass will present on Sunday, November 11 as part of Saint John Abbey’s “Sunday at the Abbey” series on Writing as a Spiritual Practice.
Writing to Reveal the Holy in Brokenness with Susan Sink 17 February 2019 7:00 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture Tags: Saint John's Abbey, spiritual practice, Sunday at the Abbey, Susan Sink, writing Susan Sink, former Resident Scholar and current Communications Associate at the Collegeville Institute, will present in the "Sunday at the Abbey" series on Writing as a Spiritual Practice.
Vessel of Voices: The Call of a Spiritual Writer with Jessie Bazan 07 April 2019 7:00 pm Venue: Abbey Chapter House Categories: Lecture Tags: Jessie Bazan, spiritual writing, Sunday at the Abbey, writing Jessie Bazan will present "Vessel of Voices: The Call of a Spiritual Writer" as part of the Sunday at the Abbey series on Writing as a Spiritual Practice.