Support the Collegeville Institute This Summer June 21, 2016 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Greetings! I want you to know that it is fun to serve on the Board of the Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research because… it is exciting to be part of something that is important. the participants in the Collegeville Institute’s programs are such motivated leaders and have such wonderful things to say about their experiences. the members of the Board work so well together. Its members combine a diverse set of skills and experience with a common purpose. Their interaction is productive. Any idea or proposal that comes up for discussion winds up being improved. the Collegeville Institute has an effective staff. They work well together with competence and efficiency while they produce an amazing number of events and programs. the Collegeville Institute has innovated and expanded its programs. In addition to the semester or year-long scholars program, it offers short-term residencies. Its workshops on religious writing are flourishing, at the rate of about 12 per year. A second set of young pastors is learning about their metropolitan community and working on projects to serve that larger community. All of these programs have more applicants than can be accommodated. In addition, the Collegeville Institute’s project on vocation is yielding a large number of publications. And its website now hosts “Bearings Online,” a series of short essays, interviews, and poems. If you have not already done so, check it out. Board procedures are improving. New methods of financial reporting, new investment procedures, and newly codified explanations of committee and Board responsibilities are helping operations run smoothly. the Board is looking forward, exploring ways in which it can foster a deeper understanding of the role of Christianity in today’s multi-religious society and can foster not just ecumenical dialogue but also active, ecumenical cooperation among the various churches. In order to continue to flourish, to innovate, and to serve, the Institute will benefit from your help. This help includes learning about its programs, participating in them and/or recommending them to others, and suggesting improvements. And, yes, it also includes voting for this special place with your financial gifts. We are deeply grateful for every one that we receive, and we promise to do our best to use it responsibly. When we explain ourselves to others, the breadth of support is as important as the amount we receive, so we encourage you to contribute in whatever way you are able. Thanks so much! Sincerely, Darrell Jodock, Chair of the Board make an online gift Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.