The Way of Discernment 08 November 2013 8:30 am Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Retreat Tags: decisions, discernment, retreat, spiritual direction, spiritual practices Join Elizabeth Liebert, SNJM for a day devoted to learning about discernment through actually discerning. In this retreat/workshop participants worked through a decision they face in their life, approaching it through memory, imagination and thinking.
Liturgy as the Heart of Pope John Paul’s Social Encyclicals 03 February 2014 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture Tags: encyclicals, liturgy, Pope John Paul Presented by Charlotte Joy Martin, Collegeville Institute Resident Scholar. Cosponsored by the School of Theology·Seminary.
The Embodiment of Love 13 February 2014 1:15 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture Tags: eucharist, love, mystery, Pope Francis, sacrament This lecture will discuss the Eucharist as a mystery to be believed, a mystery to be celebrated, and a mystery to be lived.
Artfully Engaged in God’s Redemptive Purposes for the World 07 April 2014 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture Tags: Christian formation, scripture In this lecture and discussion, we will explore how Scripture brings us together and opens us up to the world that God loves.
Sex and other Matters 14 April 2014 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture Tags: ethics, moral formation, sex This lecture untangles the history of moral teaching in the church and asks whether differences in moral teaching should be church-dividing.
Ecological Footprints 23 April 2014 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture Tags: climate change, ecology, franciscan, theology This lecture will explore the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition and raise key questions about Christian environmental ethics.
The Emperor’s Deification, Ezekiel’s Vision, and Luke’s Flesh and Bones (Lk 24:39) 25 March 2015 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Apostle Luke, resurrection, Roman Empire This lecture addresses the somewhat puzzling fact that the narrative of the resurrected Jesus in Luke 24 has little to say about a general resurrection
Technoculture and Transcendence 22 April 2015 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: literature, Margaret Atwood, science fiction, theology This lecture will explore themes related to the doctrines of creation and eschatology emerging from Margaret Atwood’s dystopian take on modern culture.
Consonantia et Claritas 18 October 2015 1:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Art, Drama & Music, Gallery Opening, Scholar Presentation Tags: gallery exhibit, Milan Spak, painting Collegeville Institute artist in residence Milan Spak presents Consonantia et Claritas, and exhibition opening on Sunday, October 18th at the School of Theology and Seminary.