The Emperor’s Deification, Ezekiel’s Vision, and Luke’s Flesh and Bones (Lk 24:39) 25 March 2015 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Apostle Luke, resurrection, Roman Empire This lecture addresses the somewhat puzzling fact that the narrative of the resurrected Jesus in Luke 24 has little to say about a general resurrection
The Recognition of Lord Odysseus and the Lord Jesus 11 October 2019 8:30 am Venue: Emmaus Hall Chapel, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture Tags: Apostle Luke, literature, Odyssey, Theology Day Dr. Jane Kelley Rodeheffer will explore the literary and cultural similarities between the theme of recognition in two works by Greek authors.