The Emperor’s Deification, Ezekiel’s Vision, and Luke’s Flesh and Bones (Lk 24:39) 25 March 2015 3:00 pm Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Apostle Luke, resurrection, Roman Empire This lecture addresses the somewhat puzzling fact that the narrative of the resurrected Jesus in Luke 24 has little to say about a general resurrection
March 17: Christ’s Body in The Saint John’s Bible: A Lenten and Easter Reflection 17 March 2021 12:00 pm Categories: Collegeville Connections Tags: Collegeville Connections, resurrection, Sandra M. Schneiders, The Saint John's Bible Focusing on illuminations from The Saint John’s Bible, Susan Sink will use Sandra Schneiders’ book Jesus Risen in our Midst as a lens for understanding Jesus’ resurrection and post-resurrection appearances in the Gospel of John.