The Way of Discernment October 30, 2013 By Event Details Date: Friday, Nov 8th, 2013, 8:30 am Venue: Emmaus South Lounge, School of Theology and Seminary Categories: Retreat Tags: decisions, discernment, retreat, spiritual direction, spiritual practices Do you work with people who are facing important decisions? Or are you yourself pondering a change? Join Elizabeth Liebert, SNJM for a day devoted to learning about discernment through actually discerning. In this retreat/workshop you will work with a decision you face in your own life, approaching it through memory, imagination and thinking. Personal reflection, small confidential groups and input based on the participants’ actual experience will help you understand the dynamics of discernment through our collective experiences of actually discerning how God is calling in the midst of all the options and forces that mark our lives. Elizabeth Liebert, SNJM, is Professor of Spiritual Life and Director of the Program in Christian Spirituality at San Francisco Theological Seminary. Elizabeth Liebert’s book, The Way of Discernment: Spiritual Practices for Decision Making will be available for a reduced price at the workshop. Lunch provided, $15 (No charge for current School of Theology students). Co-sponsored by the Collegeville Institute and School of Theology·Seminary.