Past Lectures and Events (Spring 2013) As You Celebrate, So You Live on April 24, 2013 Paulachan Kochappilly, CMI, professor of moral theology, lectured on Christian ethics as the way of celebrating life in Christ. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture Spiritual Effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse of Women in the Roman Catholic Church on April 10, 2013 Resident scholar Barbara McLaughlin addresses the psychological, relational, and spiritual effects of clergy sexual abuse of girls and women. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture Is God Going to Save Us from this Ecological Mess We’re In? on April 3, 2013 Daniel Brunner discusses why Christians should care about the earth, what the Bible has to say on this issue, and why Christians are divided about environmental concerns. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture Dual Belonging: Can I be both Presbyterian and Roman Catholic? on March 18, 2013 Resident scholar Sally McGill explores the question of whether or not it’s possible to be both authentically Presbyterian and authentically Catholic. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture The History of Christianity in Iraq / Mesopotamia on March 13, 2013 Resident Scholar Fr. Najeeb Michaeel, OP, discusses the treasure of manuscript discovered in Iraq and answers the pressing question: What has become of this ancient Christian community, its beautiful churches, and the mass treasure of manuscripts. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture Ecumenism is Dead. Long Live Ecumenism! on January 27, 2013 Collegeville Institute Executive Director Don Ottenhoff examines Vatican II’s influential Decree on Ecumenism and what the decree has to say to us, some fifty years later. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture A Babel of Languages in the Dead Sea Scrolls on January 16, 2013 Listen to resident scholar Stephen Reed explore the different languages and scripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture