Past Events and Lectures (2017/2018) Ascetical Reading at Mar Behnam Monastery on April 10, 2018, 3:30 pm Resident Scholar Dr. Robert Kitchen will describe how the practice of ‘ascetical reading’ enables readers to experience texts on a deeper level, drawing on his scholarship of the digitized library from Mar Behnam Monastery near Mosul, Iraq. Venue: HMML Reading Room Categories: Lecture Hindu Monks and Missionaries in late Modernity on April 4, 2018, 7:45 pm Resident Scholar Dr. Reid B. Locklin will present a lecture on April 4, 2018 exploring theologies of several Hindu missionaries in the modern era. Venue: Quadrangle Building 264 Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation The Migrant’s Double Vision on March 22, 2018, 7:45 pm Resident Scholar Jaisy A. Joseph will deliver a lecture on Pope Francis’ notion of “culture of encounter,” exploring how double vision of migrants in particular is an important catalyst for theological reflection. Venue: Quadrangle Building 170, Founders Room Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Shusaku Endo as a Theologian of the Cross on February 15, 2018, 7:45 pm In this lecture, Resident Scholar Toshihiro (Toppo) Takamura will share a Lutheran interpretation of Shusaku Endo’s novel Silence and its theology of the cross. Venue: Quadrangle Building 264 Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation An Ecumenical Hymnal in the Eastern Church on November 14, 2017, 3:30 pm On Nov. 14, Resident Scholar Nicholas Denysenko will lecture on the vitality and unique theology of a popular hymnal from the Eastern Church. Venue: Hill Museum & Manuscript Library Categories: Lecture Ordinary Forgiveness: A Conversation with Rachel Miller Jacobs on November 14, 2017, 12:30 pm Join us for a presentation, luncheon, and conversation with short-term Resident Scholar Rachel Miller Jacobs on her project “Ordinary Forgiveness.” Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Scholar Presentation Nathan the Wise on October 19, 2017 Nathan the Wise, a historic play about religious toleration, will be staged at the College of Saint Benedict, Benedicta Arts Center. Tickets are now available for purchase. Venue: Benedicta Arts Center Categories: Art, Drama & Music, Celebrating 50 Years, Panel Discussion The Writer’s Table on October 17, 2017, 12:45 pm On October 17, short-term Resident Scholar Mary Frances Coady will read from her own work in this event titled “The Writer’s Table.” Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Author Reading Vocation and the Liberal Arts: A Quest for Purpose on September 28, 2017, 7:00 pm William Sullivan, scholar-in-residence at the Collegeville Institute, will present a lecture on vocation and liberal arts higher education. Venue: Quadrangle Building 264 Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation The Artist’s Table: Lonely Cedars on September 19, 2017, 12:30 pm On Sept. 17, Artist-in-Residence Milan Spak will speak about three “lonely cedar” artists from whom he has drawn inspiration. Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Art, Drama & Music, Scholar Presentation Protestant Reformation: 500th Anniversary on September 8, 2017 In honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the Collegeville Institute is co-sponsoring three panel discussions on Lutheran Catholic dialogue. Venue: Basilica of Saint Mary, College of Saint Benedict, Saint John's University Categories: Celebrating 50 Years, CI50, Lecture, Panel Discussion