The Artist’s Table: Lonely Cedars September 7, 2017 By Event Details Date: Tuesday, Sep 19th, 2017, 12:30 pm Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Art, Drama & Music, Scholar Presentation Tags: Artist-in-Residence, Milan Spak Luncheon and Presentation by Milan Spak Collegeville Institute Artist-in-Residence Milan Spak Milan will speak about three unique artists from whom he has drawn inspiration: László Mednyanszky, Bohuslav Reynek and Tivadar Kosztka Csontváry. Milan writes, “These artists – who grew as lonely cedars in a barren land – provide us with shade where we can heal our thirst for beauty and take a rest from the burning heat of a secularized world. Their lives testified to the unceasing search for perfection, a self-effacement, that cannot but be mirrored in their works. They did not consciously aim at “resacredalization” of art; nevertheless they brought back a long-buried smell of a forgotten perfume of the sacred at the price of their suffering souls.” Tuesday, September 19, 2017 12:30 – 1:45pm Butler Center at the Collegeville Institute