Mapping the Geography of Grace For clergy exploring the landscape of faith, September 24-30, 2019October 4, 2019 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment 2019 Mapping the Geography of Grace participants:Front Row, left to right: Leigh Benson-Greer, Becky Youngblood, Robert Benson, Amy McCullough, Liz Jones, Marci Howard. Back Row: Christina Hubbard, Ellen Spero, John Blase, Kim Knowle-Zeller, Geoff Davidson, Paula Smith, Duncan Hilton. Not pictured: Cherri Johnson A group of pastors spent the last week of September at Mapping the Geography of Grace: A Writing Workshop for Clergy led by noted writer Robert Benson. The workshop was sponsored by the Collegeville Institute, in partnership with the Center for Ministry, and held in Canton, Mississippi. Workshop participants received instruction from Benson in the mornings, had time for personal writing in the afternoons, and spent evenings listening and responding to each others’ work. The group also toured novelist Eudora Welty’s home in nearby Jackson, Mississippi. When asked to comment on the workshop facilitator, one participant noted: “The first word that comes to mind is authentic. Robert’s love for his art and his craft were apparent as much as the factual knowledge and spiritual wisdom he offered.” Another clergy-writer wrote in their evaluation: “I’m very grateful for the visionaries who brought this training together… Hopefully what I have gained will create a new writer on the horizon!” Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.