A Babel of Languages in the Dead Sea Scrolls March 21, 2013 By Event Details Date(s): Wednesday, Jan 16th, 2013-Wednesday, Jan 16th, 2013 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Lecture Tags: Aramaic, dead sea scrolls, Greek, Hebrew Stephen Reed, Professor and Chair of the Department of Religion at Jamestown College, is a Resident Scholar at the Collegeville Institute for the 2012-2013 academic year. This January Stephen offered a lecture entitled, A Babel of Languages in the Dead Sea Scrolls, co-sponsored by the Hill Museum and Manuscript Library and the Collegeville Institute. In his lecture, Stephen describes the different languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek) and scripts (paleo-Hebrew script, square script) used for the copies of biblical books found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Attention is given to how scribes transmitted and copied the biblical texts, how they translated these texts into new languages – namely Aramaic and Greek – and how readers would have understood these texts. (Abstract taken from DigitalCommons@CSB/SJU) Watch the full lecture: