The Grammar of Vocation December 2, 2016 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Pictured left to right: Jane Patterson, Kathleen Cahalan, Laura K. Fanucci, and John Lewis As part of their work in the Collegeville Institute Seminars, Kathleen Cahalan and Laura Kelly Fanucci led a retreat in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas on “The Grammar of Vocation: Changing the Way We Talk about Our Callings” on November 11-13, 2016. Drawing from Kathleen’s forthcoming book – The Stories We Live: Finding God’s Calling All Around Us (2017, Eerdmans) – they presented to over 40 Episcopal clergy, diocesan staff, and lay leaders involved in discernment work. They also shared videos from the Lives Explored vocation storytelling project and prayer resources from Laura’s forthcoming book, To Bless Our Callings: Prayers, Poems, and Hymns to Celebrate Vocation (2017, Wipf & Stock). The retreat was organized and sponsored by the Saint Benedict’s Workshop, an organization led by Rev. Dr. John Lewis, who is a member of the Seminar on Vocation and Faith in the Professions, and Rev. Dr. Jane Patterson, who is member of the Seminar on Vocation across the Lifespan. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.