Collegeville Institute receives two-year, almost $1.2 million grant from the Lilly Endowment August 30, 2024 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Collegeville Institute is pleased to announce the award of a two-year, almost $1.2 million grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to continue the comprehensive program Words Making Worlds: The Ecclesial Literature Project. The Ecclesial Literature Project, which began in 2006, is designed to stimulate and nourish vital cultures of religious and theological literacy within congregations, in the academy, and around kitchen tables throughout the country. It will provide at the Collegeville Institute and at select regional locations around the United States a unique ecumenical community for writers who want to incorporate matters of faith in their writing, support pastors and others who intend to reach a broad reading audience through writing, and further the place of the written word in the Christian life. The following quotes from workshop participants highlight the impact of the program’s work. “This has been a transformative program for me. I loved having time to unite with colleagues; I loved being around other writers. Honestly, this week has been inspiring, spiritual, and exciting. I am very grateful for this week, as it has helped me regain a sense of enthusiasm about my work and ministry, and a clarity of purpose.” “I am grateful for this opportunity and know that it will continue to nourish my own writing—and my skills for sharing that writing in the world—for a long time to come. This was an incredible resource for learning. The diversity of denominational backgrounds of participants was a real advantage. The community of writers here was amazing. I have come away with such inspiration and friendship for the journey forward.” “This workshop helped me grow and stretch in my use of words, phrasing, and sound; grow in the art and craft of preaching and writing. How I say something helps the hearer, or the reader, better understand what I am trying to convey, and may affect them in ways that only the Spirit can. This can only strengthen the people I serve. This can only strengthen the whole church.” Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.