Board Elects New Members at May Meeting May 5, 2018 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Board members gathered in the Butler Center at the Collegeville Institute for their May meeting. Pictured from L to R: Clyde Steckel, Linda Hoeschler, and Cindy Gehrig The Collegeville Institute board of directors gathered for their spring meeting on May 1 and 2. The meeting was heavily weighted around three topics: strategic plan review, committee reports and revisions, and an update on new programming endeavors. Bernie Evans, program director for the Rural Minnesota Fellows Program, and Barry Cytron, program director for the Multi-Religious Fellows Program, gave presentations to the board, updating them on the progress of these new programs, both instituted last fall. The board elected four new members: Suzie Colliani, Cynthia Gehrig, Patricia Lull, and Ellie Roscher. The board will meet again in the fall. Introducing New Board Members Suzie Colianni is the one of the former owners of Ski-Away, Inc. Alpine School, which she owned with a partner for 23 years. She is currently the board chair for both Ascension Catholic Academy and Friends of Ascension Catholic School, and a classroom and community volunteer. Suzie attended the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and holds a PSIA/AASI Level II Alpine Certificate. She and her husband, Bert, have four adult children and eight grandchildren. Cynthia Gehrig served as President and Program Officer of the Jerome Foundation for 39 years, retiring in 2016. She was President of the Camargo Foundation for two years and Chair of its Board of Trustees and Managing Trustees for 15 years. Cindy is an active speaker and panelist in the field of arts grantmaking and arts administration. She was adjunct faculty at the University of Minnesota in its Master of Professional Studies in Arts and Cultural Leadership Program for four years. Cindy holds a B.A. in Fine Arts from Indiana University and an M.A. in Art History from the University of Minnesota. Bishop Patricia Lull serves as the bishop of the Saint Paul Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. She is deeply involved in inter-religious work in her community and denomination. Ellie Roscher is the Director of Youth and Story Development at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities and author of Play Like a Girl and How Coffee Saved My Life. Her writing can also be found in Beyond the Offering Plate, the Keeping the Faith Series, Embodied Faith, The Thoughtful Christian and several blogs. Ellie holds a B.A. from Gustavus Adolphus College, an M.A. from Luther Seminary, and an M.F.A. from Sarah Lawrence. She lives in Minneapolis with her spouse and sons. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.