Sacred Art and its Role in Interreligious Dialogue November 10, 2015 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment During the fall of 2015, the Collegeville Institute hosted Slovakian native Milan Spak as an artist in residence. Milan’s project was titled, “Sacred Art and its Role in Interreligious Dialogue.” During his two-month residency, Milan created ten new pastel drawings featuring ten different saints, all inspired by his time spent in this place of Saint John’s Abbey and University, and the Collegeville Institute. In addition, he explored the fundamental aspects of art in its traditional meaning, while focusing on questions such as: What are the main distinctions between sacred art and profane art? What is the role of artists in traditional societies? What role can sacred art play in interreligious dialogue? To see more of Milan’s work, visit his portfolio » St. Scholastica by Milan Spak St. Elizabeth by Milan Spak St. John the Baptist by Milan Spak Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.