Upcoming Events
Collegeville Institute Connections is a one-hour, virtual event that features the work of Collegeville Institute alumni and friends. Grab a cup of coffee and Zoom into our events on Wednesday from 12-1 PM central time. Consider it your mid-week warm up, encouraging you to explore faith, ignite imagination, and renew community with the Collegeville Institute.
Collegeville Institute Connections will be back in September 2025.
Previous Events
To watch recordings of past events, click on individual links below.
April 6: Crafting the Concrete, Strengthening Our Stories
Wednesday, Apr 6th 12:00 pm
Join Collegeville Institute writing workshop facilitator Patrice Gopo for a craft discussion about using concrete detail in spiritual writing.
March 23: Mental Health & Rural Ministry
Wednesday, Mar 23rd 12:00 pm
Mental health issues are facing rural communities in unique ways. How can congregations and clergy respond?
March 23: Virtual Alumni Gathering at FFW
Wednesday, Mar 23rd 10:00 am
Are you attending the virtual Festival of Faith and Writing? Join a meet-up just for Collegeville Institute alumni from 10-11 AM CT.
March 2: Praying with our Pens on Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, Mar 2nd 12:00 pm
Join retreat leader and writer Carol Younger on Ash Wednesday to experience how writing in community can deepen your spiritual life.
Feb. 15: A Call to Sabbath
Tuesday, Feb 15th 12:00 pm
Come explore what the ancient and countercultural practice of keeping Sabbath might mean today for us as individuals and communities.
Feb. 2: The End of Burnout
Wednesday, Feb 2nd 12:00 pm
How can we overcome burnout and find moral significance in our lives beyond work? Join us for a conversation with author and Collegeville Institute alum Jonathan Malesic.
Dec. 1: A Pilgrim’s Calling Through Advent
Wednesday, Dec 1st 12:00 pm
Begin the season of Advent with an online pilgrimage and a conversation about celebrating callings during different liturgical seasons with Pastor Christina Braudaway-Bauman.
Oct. 6: Spiritual Leadership in Times of Crisis: The Conversation Continues
Wednesday, Oct 6th 12:00 pm
Rabbi Aaron Weininger and Rev. Abby Henderson speak about spiritual leadership in turbulent times and the importance of building interfaith relationships.