Collegeville Institute Hosts Three Regional Writing Workshops in November November 26, 2019 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Writing the Spiritual Life: A Creative Writing Workshop with Lauren Winner Canton, NC, October 27 – November 3, 2019 A group of spiritual writers gathered at the Lake Logan Conference Center in Canton, NC this month for a week-long regional writing workshop led by Lauren Winner. The workshop, which brought together the disciplines of writing and Christian spirituality, invited participants to share their own work and to learn from one another. One participant reflected on their experience: “The Collegeville Institute has given us individually and collectively such a lasting gift. Our writing is better. Our faiths are strengthened. Our lives are richer for having intersected. I am hopeful for the beautiful things that will work their was into the world as a result of our time in workshop sessions.” Another wrote: “I leave the workshop re-inspired and recommitted to how my writing beyond the weekly sermon can lift up a readership eager for a glimpse of Christianity beyond the media soundbites.” The Art of the Personal Essay: Make A Point. Change the World. Ashland, MA, November 11 – 17, 2019 Massachusetts workshop participants: Left to right: Michael Ciba, Carol Steinbrecher, Tim Johnson, Susan Thomas, John Hudson, Beth Stotts, Taylor Moore, Tiffany Vail, Kevin Downer, Susan Reisert, Carl Chudy, and Mike Marsh. In mid November, a group of clergy-writers convened at Warren Conference Center in Ashland, Massachusetts for a writing workshop dedicated to the craft of the personal essay. Reverend John F. Hudson led the group in writing exercises, lectures, and discussions. Participants also had the opportunity to share writing with each other. When asked to reflect on the best part of their workshop, one participant wrote: “Writing in community in a beautiful setting for several days was an amazing opportunity. I especially enjoyed exploring new forms of writing.” Another reflected on John Hudson’s leadership, remarking: “I am so thankful for John’s giftedness, honesty and knowledge. I’m also thankful for his steady reminders in prayer and conversation about writing being a gift from God that we’ve each been given – now we need to be good stewards in going further with it.” Read a reflection on this workshop by pastor Susan Reisert » Writing Spirit, Writing Faith: A Week with Mary Potter Whidbey Island, WA, November 18 – 24, 2019 L to R: Lize Burr, Megan Wildhood, Jenn Howe Salzwedel, Ron Wells, Kevin Georgas, Jordan Farrell, Stacy Lawson, Mary Potter, Louise Tischhauser, Daniel Camacho, Sarah Ngu, Carla Durand, and Aaron Weininger In late November, Mary Lane Potter led a group of spiritual writers at the Whidbey Institute on Whidbey Island, WA for the Writing Spirit, Writing Faith workshop. Participants in the workshop shared their writing with each other and had the opportunity to generate new work. One participant wrote in their evaluation that the highlight of the workshop was “receiving deep and attentive feedback on my work so I know how people are reacting to my writing and where it can grow. People were generous readers and spiritually attuned, which made it feel safe.” When asked to reflect on Mary Lane Potter’s facilitation, another writer reflected: “Mary was an excellent instructor, striking the right balance between encouragement and correction. I appreciated the way that she encouraged all of us to be sharper and more specific in our feedback.” Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.