Posts, Tweets, Blogs, and Faith: Writing for the Digital Public Square August 20, 2014 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment This week at the Collegeville Institute we said goodbye to our last writing workshop participants, who joined us for Posts, Tweets, Blogs, and Faith: Writing for the Digital Public Square, facilitated by Verity Jones and writing coach Sari Fordham. During the workshop, these pastors and religious leaders reflected on the theological implications of the digital public square, explored social media formats and platforms, discussed blog writing and voice, and honed their writing skills. Jane Cavanaugh led the group in an evening of improvisation, and shared how the principles of improvisation can be applied in many life situations. The group overcame its initial hesitation and joined in with much enthusiasm (and talent!) We wish this group much success as they continue to write for the digital public square via blogs, tweets, posts and other forms of online social communication. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.