In the Thick of It July 24, 2018 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment 2018 In the Thick of It workshop participants (Left to Right, Top Row): Kerri Fisher, Amy Peterson, Lauren F. Winner (workshop leader), Christine Painter, Rhonda Lee, Colleen Carpenter, Carey Burkett, and Aaron Brown. (Bottom Row): Jessica Goudeau, Cat Ricketts, Beth Waltemath, Al Haley, and Elizabeth Hagan. On July 12-21, 2018, a group of writers gathered at the Collegeville Institute for an advanced writing workshop led by Lauren Winner titled In the Thick of It: Explorations of Advanced Topics in Prose Writing. This 10-day workshop was geared toward writers somewhere in the middle of a prose project, including long-form memoir, creative nonfiction, and fiction. The group spent mornings writing independently and met in the afternoons to critique each other’s work. In addition, Winner taught mini-lessons on elements of craft within workshop sessions. Various guest artists and authors came to lead activities or discussions with the group. Elizabeth Hagan and Kerri Fisher work on an in-class writing assignment. When asked to reflect on the workshop, one participant wrote: “Lauren’s expertise in enriching the workshop with insightful handouts and engaging lectures makes her one of the best. Being in a group of advanced writers gave me an extremely positive workshop experience — I received in depth feedback that I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else.” Another participant noted: “The 10-day workshop was a great length to really tackle the stuck places in our work and come out on the other side with a plan for the next steps. Those who write daily say the practice allows for “starting on the downhill.” 10 days of focused writing, revision, feedback and lessons on craft was a huge kickstart in creative momentum.” Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.