Apart, and yet a Part June 27, 2016 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment 2016 Apart, and yet a Part workshop participants: Angela O’Donnell, Barbara Melosh, Sylvia McGregor, Michael N. McGregor (writing coach), Kristen Linford, Bob Johansen, Chanequa Walker-Barnes, Jane Dawson, Mary Woodhouse, Adam Navis, Jane Willan, Heidi Neumark, Tim Bernard, and Abram Kielsmeier-Jones. Last week a group of writers met at the Collegeville Institute as participants in the writing workshop Apart, and yet a Part: A Week with Writing Coach Michael N. McGregor. When asked about what two aspects of the workshop were most helpful, one participant reflected: “Time and Togetherness. It really lived up to its name – Apart and Yet a Part. We had the time apart to focus on our projects with large blocks of time and few restraints. But we would also come together at meals in the evenings to get to know each other, support one another, and discuss common issues that pertain to the life of the writer.” Another participant shared this feedback about workshop facilitator Michael N. McGregor, “Michael is phenomenal. He possesses the rare qualities of acute listening and mystical insights that work in tandem to both nurture your spirit and challenge your craftsmanship as a writer. His challenges to me opened me up to new perspectives, new voices, and new ideas, which I found unsettling and yet healing. It was a magical week.”. . Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.