50 Year Archive The Collegeville Institute celebrates 50 years of ecumenical and cultural research. In this archive, read an assortment of articles, papers, and other snippets that showcase our remarkable history. Hospitality, Mercy, and Service July 25, 2022Patrick HenryPatrick Henry interviews Sister Dolores Schuh, truly a "Collegeville Great," as she prepares to turn 90.Read more »Remembering Two Collegeville Institute Giants December 19, 2019Collegeville InstituteThe Collegeville Institute, and the Christian Church, lost two giants this past year: the Rev. Cain Hope Felder, and Paulist Fr. Thomas Francis Stransky.Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Roberta Bondi April 26, 2018Patrick HenryRoberta Bondi is a major player in the ecumenical movement and an effective ambassador for the Collegeville Institute. Read an excerpt from her groundbreaking book Memories of God.Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Joan Chittister, OSB March 29, 2018Patrick HenryJoan Chittister, OSB is a major figure in religion who is closely associated with the Collegeville Institute. Read about Faith and Ferment, a groundbreaking study she led with Martin Marty in 1981.Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Thomas F. Stransky, CSP February 26, 2018Patrick HenryFr. Thomas F. Stransky, CSP, brought the first-person method to the Collegeville Institute. Read an excerpt about his experience as a fresh-eyed, 30-year-old priest in the lead-up to Vatican II.Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Robert S. Bilheimer January 29, 2018Collegeville InstituteIt is not hyperbole to say that the Collegeville Institute would not be what it is today without the work and leadership of Rev. Dr. Robert S. Bilheimer.Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Henri J. M. Nouwen December 24, 2017Collegeville InstituteIn a rare speech from 1976, spiritual writer and former Resident Scholar Henri J. M. Nouwen asks: "Is compassion a real human possibility?" and "How is compassion disciplined?" — questions increasingly relevant for Christians today.Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Bernard McGinn November 30, 2017Collegeville InstituteBernard McGinn is one is of the greatest living authorities on mysticism today. Don't miss his thoughts on Meister Eckhart and "living without a why."Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Fr. Kilian McDonnell, Part Two October 31, 2017Patrick HenryFr. Kilian McDonnell spoke on the Protestant Reformation anniversary 50 years ago. The resulting article's headline was "Catholic Priest Praises Luther."Read more »Collegeville Institute Greats: Fr. Kilian McDonnell, Part One October 30, 2017Patrick HenryFr. Kilian McDonnell, OSB, is a renowned ecumenist and founder of the Collegeville Institute. Don't miss this tribute to McDonnell by Patrick Henry.Read more »123>>