Work and Scholarship Resident Scholars engage in a wide variety of research with intellectual commitments that broadly fall under the category “ecumenical and cultural.” Recent scholars have studied and written on numerous topics, including: attention, work and well-being; end-of-life health care issues; the writings of the Apostle Paul in light of ancient sports; a translation of Yves Congar’s True and False Reform in the Church; the spiritual journey of a parent accompanying a transgender child; and a theology of Old Testament prophets. Oriented to Christian faith, ecumenically understood, the Collegeville Institute also welcomes applicants from other religious traditions. Resident Scholar Commitments: Weekly Seminar: Each week, two hours are reserved for scholars to present and discuss their work with each other. Each scholar presents their work during one seminar each semester. Prayer/Meditation/Contemplation Leader: Each weekly seminar begins with a time of spiritual centering that typically takes the form of prayer, meditation, or contemplation. Resident Scholars are responsible for leading the group in this activity once during the semester, on the same day as their seminar presentation. If a scholar is not comfortable with this role, other arrangements can be made. Community Building: Community building socials and meals will be scheduled during the semester. In addition, Resident Scholars and their families are invited to gather at the Butler Center on Friday Nights for an optional shared meal and fellowship.