Writing Spirit, Writing Faith: A Week with Mary Potter October 10, 2018 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment 2018 Writing Spirit, Writing Faith workshop participants (Left to Right): 1st row: Michelle De Beauchamp, Pamela Cook, and Jane Dawson. 2nd row: Cara Meredith, Onleilove Alston, Catherine Penney, Jon Hiskes, and Barbara Evans. 3rd row: Meredith Dodd, Karen Giesbrecht, Shann Ray, Mary Potter (workshop facilitator), and Jody Johnson. Last week, twelve writers gathered at the Whidbey Institute on Whidbey Island, WA for the Writing Spirit, Writing Faith workshop led by Mary Potter. Mornings were left open for participants to work on individual writing projects. During structured afternoon and evening sessions, the participants had the opportunity to share and provide feedback on their work, as well as learn about the craft of writing. When asked to reflect on Mary Potter’s instruction style, one participant wrote in their evaluation: “Mary was everything one could hope for in a teacher: knowledgeable, skillful in facilitating discussions and making it a process of shared discovery, while leaving room for varying points of view.” Another wrote that they will take the following insight with them: “It is worth taking time to write about moments where we experience a weaving or movement of sacred and profane elements in life.” Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.