Michael Dennis Browne Interviewed on Writing July 28, 2016 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Michael Dennis Browne recently sat down with Mary Hanson to discuss his process of writing, his work as a librettist, and his most recent book of poetry, The Voices, from which he read a poem. The interview will be aired on PBS stations this fall. Michael Dennis Browne, poet, librettist and professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota, has facilitated writing workshops at the Collegeville Institute every summer since 2006. He has published numerous books of poetry; has received honors and awards for his teaching and writing; and has written many texts for music with composer Stephen Paulus, including the libretti for the church opera The Three Hermits, and the post-Holocaust oratorio To Be Certain of the Dawn. He was also a poet-collaborator and libretto for Considering Matthew Shepard, which will be released by Harmonia Mundi on September 9, 2016. Michael is the 2014 recipient of the Graven Award from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. The award is given annually to someone “whose life is nurtured and guided by a strong sense of Christian calling and who is making a significant contribution to community, church and society.” For more information about Michael Dennis Browne, watch this video interview on writing conducted by the Collegeville Institute, or visit http://michaeldennisbrowne.com. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.