Former CI Board Member Krista Tippett receives Honorary Doctorate May 25, 2022 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment Krista Tippett (front row, far right) received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Yale University on May 23, 2022. (Photo by Joy Bush) On May 23, at its 321st Commencement, Yale University awarded the honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree to Krista Tippett – journalist, broadcaster, author, and multimedia entrepreneur, founder and chief executive officer of On Being, a non-profit media and public life project spanning spirituality, community, science, and the arts. The ten honorary degree recipients were lauded for their “creativity, curiosity, discipline, integrity, and passion for public service.” Krista’s citation reads as follows: “Convener of conversation: in bringing spirituality into the spotlight, you raise our spirits and reveal our common humanity. Your podcast is your pulpit, and the world is your congregation. With wisdom, candor, and fearlessness in broaching the big questions of meaning, you invite us to imagine a new way of being and of living—one that celebrates our interconnectedness. Intrepid interlocutor, for your fluency with faith, we recognize you with your second Yale degree: Doctor of Divinity.” It was in 1995, one year after her first Yale degree, Master of Divinity, that Krista was hired by the Collegeville Institute to oversee its history project. In the following two years she interviewed scores of people, producing two thousand pages of transcripts. In a talk given in April 1997 she said, “From the beginning, by holding together both ‘ecumenical’ and ‘cultural’ in its title, its ethos, and its work, the Institute bound itself to plumbing the depths of the Christian enterprise as a journey into human wholeness.” In her 2007 book, Speaking of Faith—Why Religion Matters and How to Talk About It, she writes, “Collegeville is where my current vocation and passions began to take shape.” Besides the history project, Krista was connected to the Collegeville Institute through participation in summer consultations, and as a board member 2001-2004. Her Yale Doctor of Divinity degree adds to a list of honors that includes the 2013 National Humanities Medal, conferred at the White House by President Barack Obama. The Collegeville Institute is proud to congratulate Krista Tippett, and celebrates its role in her outstanding career. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.