Last week, the writing workshop Writing to Change the World: A Week with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove focused on both the craft of writing and the vocation of tending to words for the sake of faithful social change.
Workshop leader Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove shared that his highlight was “watching fear melt away in this group; once they heard one another’s voices, a palpable solidarity emerged. Beautiful to see.”
Participants took away many insights and ideas, of which the following are a few:
“Let struggle speak. I need to get in touch with my own struggle and write about if before I can get deeper into the larger struggle.”
“Jonathan asked us how our writing contributes to Shalom, and challenged us that if it didn’t, we may be doing damage. This is such a different frame than what I was given in grad school, but I also felt completely at home in wrestling with it, like (it was) something I should be doing.”
We look forward to following this group of writers, as they use words to change the world that is into the world that ought to be.
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