Apart, and Yet a Part: A Week with Michael N. McGregor August 13, 2019 By Collegeville Institute Leave a Comment 2019 Apart, and Yet a Part workshop participants (Left to Right): Michael N. McGregor, Hannah Foulger, Renee Prymus, Jon Malesic, Jioni Palmer, Mary Potter, Kaethe Schwehn, Paul Beckel, Angela O’Donnell, Deanna Witkowski, Paul Lutter, and Roger Owens. The final 2019 summer writing workshop, Apart, and Yet a Part: A Week with Writing Coach Michael N. McGregor, recently wrapped up at the Collegeville Institute. Unlike other workshops, participants spent most of their time working independently on projects and met with a writing coach as needed. They did gather for several evening sessions and to share meals. When asked to evaluate writing coach Michael N. McGregor, one participant wrote: “I have been in a lot of writing workshops and worked with a lot of mentors over the years – Michael is absolutely one of the best.” Another writer reflected on their experience: “The rhythm of being alone and together is exactly what I need to keep my writing alive and deepening. I’m going to see how I can create that kind of rhythm at home.” Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.