Stronger Together November 17, 2021 By Collegeville Institute Maria Garriott City Songs, October 7, 2021 "Visit this title on the publisher's website" In a world fractured by racial, ethnic, class and political division, God’s people need to pursue their unity in Christ. Jesus not only reconciles us to God but unites us in a new family. As we experience more of the fullness of being God’s reconciled people, we know more of the fullness of God. Stronger Together explores how the gospel provides the spiritual tools for unity. Each chapter includes a personal essay, biblical analysis, and historical context. A Bible study offers readers an opportunity to reflect and discuss each chapter. “This book’s theological depth and practical wisdom will equip you to grow and change into a more magnificent reflection of our beautiful God.” —Rev. Irwyn L. Ince, D.Min. Author, The Beautiful Community; Founder, Institute for Cross Cultural Mission; Mission to North America (PCA) Coordinator “If you long for your church to reflect that deep and practical unity in diversity to which Christ clearly calls us, Stronger Together is a valuable and compelling tool.” —Pat Hatch, Refugee and Immigrant Ministry Director, PCA Mission to North America Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.