Lives to Offer December 7, 2007 By Collegeville Institute Joyce Mercer* Dori Grenenko Baker The Pilgrim Press, 2007 Visit this title on the publisher's website » Most youth ministry programs seem to arise from consumerist, program-driven views of ministry. Lives to Offer presents a different vision: youth ministry as a companioned walk with young people in search of vocation in its public and private dimensions. Adolescent stories of vocation, gleaned from research encounters with youthful collaborators, pepper this innovative resource. Joyce Mercer is Professor of Pastoral Theology at Virginia Theological Seminary, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and a licensed independent clinical social worker. She is a member of the Collegeville Institute Seminar on Vocation Across the Lifespan. Dori Grenenko Baker is an ordained United Methodist minister and teaches at Union Theological Seminary / PSCE, in Richmond, Virginia. *Collegeville Institute-affiliated author Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.