Engaging Others, Knowing Ourselves February 22, 2016 By Collegeville Institute Darrell Jodock*, Carol Schersten LaHurd, Kathryn Mary Lohre Minneapolis, MN, Lutheran University Press, 2016 Visit this title on the publisher's website » *Collegeville Institute-affiliated Consulting Editor Freed in Christ to engage our neighbors in a multi-religious world, Christians live and work in an increasingly multi-ethnic and multi-religious context. How does this affect their calling to serve their neighbors and their community? What resources does the Lutheran Christian tradition offer? Woven into this book are more than fifty stories of ELCA inter-religious engagement. These examples from local ministry settings are supplemented by practical tips, theological reflection, and historical analysis. The result is a guide for study, discussion, and action as a contribution toward the 500th observance of the Reformation in 2017 and beyond. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.