Breathing Space September 10, 2004 By Collegeville Institute Heidi B. Neumark Boston, Beacon Press, 2004 Visit this title on the publisher's website » Breathing Space is the story of Heidi Neumark and the Hispanic and African-American Lutheran church-Transfiguration-that took a chance calling on a pastor from a starkly different background. Despite living and working in a milieu of overwhelming poverty and violence, Neumark and the congregation encounter even more powerful forces of hope and renewal. This story of a community creating space for new life and breath is also the story of a young woman-working, raising her children, and struggling for spiritual breathing space. Through poignant, intimate stories, Neumark charts her journey alongside her parishioners as pastor, church, and community grow in wisdom and together experience transformation. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.