A Broader Public: Writing on Religion for a Secular Audience—A Week with Religion Dispatches’ Editors and Author Elizabeth Drescher 29 June 2014 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: Elizabeth Drescher, Evan Derkacz, Lisa Webster, public theology, Religion Dispatches Entering the public conversation
A Broader Public: Writing for the Online Audience, with the Editors of Religion Dispatches 09 June 2015 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: Evan Derkacz, Lisa Webster, public theology, Religion Dispatches Entering the public conversation. The application deadline for this workshop has passed.
A Broader Public: Writing for the Online Audience, with the Editors of Religion Dispatches 06 July 2016 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: Evan Derkacz, Lisa Webster, public theology, Religion Dispatches, writing workshops Entering the public conversation. The application deadline for this workshop has passed.
A Broader Public: Writing for the Online Audience, with the Editors of Religion Dispatches 21 June 2017 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: Evan Derkacz, Lisa Webster, public theology, Religion Dispatches, writing workshops Entering the public conversation. The application deadline for this workshop has passed.
Writing Theology for the General Reader: A Week with Thomas G. Long 06 July 2017 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: public theology, Sari Fordham, theology, Thomas G. Long, writing workshops Theological writing for life and practice. The application deadline for this workshop has passed.
A Broader Public: Writing for the Online Audience, with the Editors of Religion Dispatches 21 June 2018 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: Evan Derkacz, Lisa Webster, public theology, Religion Dispatches, writing workshops Entering the public conversation. The application deadline has now passed.