Play and Wisdom: Liturgy and the Liberal Arts 22 February 2017 7:30 pm Venue: Quadrangle Building 264 Categories: Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Benedictine Spirituality, Brendan McInerny, higher education, lecture, liberal arts, liturgy, play, resident scholars, theology Resident Scholar Brendan McInerny will present an alternative view of liberal arts as rooted in a theological account of play on February 22, 2017.
Apart, and Yet a Part: A Week with Writing Coach Michael N. McGregor 01 August 2017 Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: Apart and yet Apart, Benedictine Spirituality, Michael N. McGregor, writing workshops Independent, unstructured work in community. Application deadline for this workshop has now passed.
Ignatius meets Benedict through Followers and Friends 22 March 2019 12:20 pm Venue: Quadrangle Building 264 Categories: Panel Discussion, Scholar Presentation Tags: Benedict of Nursia, Benedictine Spirituality, Fr. Columba Stewart, Gretchen J. Van Dyke, Ignatian Spirituality, Ignatius of Loyola Join us for a conversation between two colleagues and friends who have grown to appreciate the connections between the Benedictine and Ignatian traditions.
Cultural Heritage Present and Future: A Benedictine Monk’s Long View 07 October 2019 7:00 pm Venue: Warner Theatre Categories: Lecture Tags: Benedictine Spirituality, Fr. Columba Stewart, HMML, Jefferson Lecture, Lecuture Resident Scholar Fr. Columba Stewart, OSB will deliver the prestigious NEH Jefferson Lecture on Monday, October 9 at 7:30 PM EST.
March 10: Benedictine Monasticism as a Way of Life: Its Origins and Future 10 March 2021 12:00 pm Categories: Collegeville Connections Tags: Benedictine Spirituality, Collegeville Connections, Fr. Columba Stewart For centuries, the Rule of Benedict has been the foundation for sustainable Christian communities. This presentation will explore the key elements of the Rule with an emphasis on their perennial relevance.