Discovering an Australian Spirituality through Aboriginal-Christian Dialogue: A “White” Woman’s Dreaming December 8, 2015 By Event Details Date: Friday, Dec 4th, 2015, 6:30 pm Venue: Collegeville Institute Categories: Art, Drama & Music, Lecture, Scholar Presentation Tags: Aboriginal, art, Australia Short-term resident artist, Margaret Broadbent, gave a presentation titled Discovering an Australian Spirituality through Aboriginal-Christian Dialogue: A “White” Woman’s Dreaming on Friday, December 4. Through ritual, song, images, and art, Margaret presented her story of a white woman’s dreaming as it relates to a new consciousness materializing in the universe. Having emerged from the central desert of Australia with a bundle of art works and reflections, the aim of Margaret’s residency was to imbibe the religious and spiritual realms of Collegeville to begin creating a new work of art. Margaret is the Director of Viriditas Contemporary Art Studio in Melbourne and a full-time practicing artist. She is a member of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea.