Servants and Fools October 20, 2015 By Collegeville Institute Arthur Boers Foreword by Eugene Peterson* Abingdon Press, 2015 Visit this title on the publisher's website » Leadership is a much-discussed topic. What does it actually mean for us as Christians? Does Christian leadership have its own distinctive shape and character? In Servants and Fools, A Biblical Theology of Leadership, Arthur Boers examines Jesus’s pattern of leadership. Boers shows how this pattern is rooted in service and sacrifice, is cautious about power and hierarchies, and prioritizes the vulnerable. In other words, it often reverses what we expect of leadership, and is different from what we read in most leadership literature. Servants and Fools is a unique resource for students and practitioners across denominations. It offers a foundational perspective on leadership and guidance for practical application in the reader’s daily life and ministry. *Eugene Peterson has facilitated writing workshops at the Collegeville Institute and was a resident scholar. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.