Holy Wind, Holy Fire Finding Your Vibrant Spirit through ScriptureJanuary 29, 2018 By Collegeville Institute Pamela Smith New London, Connecticut, Twenty-Third Publications, 2017 Visit this title on the publisher's website. Writing Workshop Participant 2015 We all want our lives to be brighter, more meaningful, and more sacred. We express this need in many different ways, but in each case what we really want is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. When this Spirit is with us and in us, we can expect to be living confidently, vibrantly, resolutely. But who is the Holy Spirit? How can we get to know and draw closer to this Third Person of the Holy Trinity, who has the power to transform us and give us a share in the very life of God? We experience who the Spirit is by seeing what the Spirit does, and in this beautiful book Sister Pamela invites us into a wonderful journey through the Old and New Testaments to catch glimpses of the Spirit at work. Reading, reflecting, and praying with this book will help to re-energize and reawaken us to the energy and joy that only the Holy Spirit can give. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.