Benedictine Promises for Everyday People April 5, 2019 By Collegeville Institute Rachel Srubas New London, CT , Twenty-Third Publications , 2019 Workshop Participant In our noisy and hectic world, it can be tempting to look at the quiet, prayerful pace of life in a monastery and wish we were there. But Rachel Srubas knows that we don’t need to move to a monastery to tap into the spiritual wisdom of those who do. In this engaging, spiritual, and very down-to earth book, she shows us how the three promises of the followers of St. Benedict—staying put, listening well, and being changed by God—can be applied to our everyday lives, no matter our situation. Blending Scripture, Benedict’s Rule, and experiences from her own life, Srubas guides us into the prayerful, observant world of the monastery in the middle of our daily lives. In finding our own ways to stay put and listen well, we will find ourselves changed by God, and our lives will be enriched beyond measure. Like this post? Subscribe to have new posts sent to you by email the same day they are posted.