The Writing Pastor: A Workshop with Patricia Tull July 25, 2014 By Event Details Date(s): Monday, Oct 6th, 2014-Friday, Oct 10th, 2014 Venue: Louisville Seminary in Louisville, KY Categories: Writing Workshop Tags: church leaders, Louisville Seminary, pastors, spiritual practice, writing This workshop is designed particularly for pastors and church leaders who are committed to the ways writing can be a spiritual practice, an expression of the pastoral imagination, and a service to the church and the world. From articles and reviews to curricula and books, from memoirs and poetry to blogs and children’s novels, the possibilities for the committed writer are wild and wonderful. In a small group setting, participants will have the opportunity to develop their skills, share ideas and drafts of work, explore possibilities for publication, and—most of all—nurture their passion for writing, while residing and working on the 67-acre park-like campus of Louisville Seminary. The workshop is led by Dr. Patricia Tull, faculty Emerita at Louisville Seminary, biblical scholar and author of Inhabiting Eden: Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis. Louisville Seminary, in partnership with the Collegeville Institute offers this workshop tuition free, and will cover room and board at the Seminary. Participants will provide their own travel expenses to and from the workshop. Those who join the workshop will be expected to reside at Laws Lodge on the seminary campus throughout the entire week. The program is limited to 12 participants. Application Process: Application deadline has passed. We are no longer accepting applications for this workshop. After the workshop concludes, each participant is encouraged to submit an original 500-word essay on a topic of his/her choice, intended for a general audience. Participants’ essays may be used as blog entries on the Collegeville Institute’s website or featured in other Collegeville Institute publications. Workshop participants should submit their essays to the Collegeville Institute within three months after the conclusion of the writing workshop.