The Lived History of Vatican II in the Churches: Gaudium et Spes and the Option for the Poor October 13, 2015 By Event Details Date: Monday, Oct 19th, 2015, 7:30 pm Venue: Pellegrene Auditorium, SJU Science Center Categories: Lecture Tags: ecumenism, Gaudium et spes, vatican II Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary continues its celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Vatican Council II and its affirmation of ecumenism, with an exploration of Gaudium et spes. Keynote speaker Timothy Matovina, PhD is Professor of Theology and Co-Director of the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame. He works in the area of Theology and Culture, with specialization in U.S. Catholic and U.S. Latino theology and religion. His most recent book, Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church, has won five book awards, including selection as a CHOICE “Outstanding Academic Title” for 2012. His current book project is tentatively titled Engaging a New World: Theologies of Guadalupe in the Americas. In addition to his scholarly work, Matovina offers presentations and workshops on U.S. Catholicism and Latino ministry and theology throughout the United States. This lecture is part of a full-day event—Vatican II + Ecumenism, part V. For more information or to register for this event, visit Sponsored by the School of Theology and Seminary, and supported by the Collegeville Institute.