The Christ of God beyond all bounds and bonds shines in their faces. He breaks through the pain in their eyes as they come for ashes. What does any one of us seek on Ash Wednesday? We want to find our lives anew; to believe the good news that God will not stop loving us, will never cease sending us to be his hands, his eyes, his heart. They come, and clearly Christ lives in them. Pushed to the edge of society’s awareness, they stand with one another bravely, hardly realizing they are his sign already.
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Bruce Robbins says
What a beautiful poem for Ash Wednesday. Thank you. I love the graceful, repetitive phrasing and the careful, use of words and what they convey. I will copy the poem it into my spiritual book and read it numerous times today.
May your day be a blessed one.
Sr. Sally Witt says
Thank you, Bruce. I am grateful to know this has a place in your spiritual book.