Bless the slow walkers of old, gray-muzzled dogs
and the quick ones with their sleek young dogs
and the patient ones with rambunctious pups
they allow to take a dip in the lake.
Bless the new mothers pushing strollers,
cooing nonsense to their babies, tucking in
blankets as the breeze rises.
Bless the boy zooming along the path
on his orange bike who calls out
in his ten-year-old, high-pitched voice, “On your left!”
as he swishes past the white-haired man
pedaling his steady rhythm.
Bless the weathered woman in a wheelchair
and the young woman who pushes her along. Bless
both of their genuine smiles.
Bless the haloed girl riding on her daddy’s shoulders
in slant sun, and bless that man who raises her up
to a place where she can see the world
lit up before her.
Bless the taut-bodied, rope-muscled runners
with their serious expressions,
and the thick-thighed, soft-bellied joggers
whose faces show even more courage.
Bless the whistlers, the hummers and the ones
who choose to walk in silence.
Bless the loud, animated conversations between friends.
Bless the abandoned pacifier by the side of the path
and the child who is missing it.
Bless the teen in stars-and-stripes shorts
who rides his skateboard bare-chested,
hat on backwards, not meeting anyone’s gaze.
Bless the lovers, tall and short, old and young,
holding hands. Bless their unhurried pace.
Bless the wind, its small hands that pluck
ready golden leaves, twirl them through the air
down onto the grass, onto the sidewalk, onto us.
Bless the chirps of the last crickets, the surprise
of wind chimes someone hung in a tree,
the hush of wind over water
and the buoys bobbing, now empty of their boats.
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Marjorie Stelmach says
What a pleasure to start my morning with this fine poem. Thank you.
Susan Alexander says
Your poem gives me the hope and reminds me of the beauty I need to carry on.
Diane says
And God bless you! Just what I needed on a day like today!
Sandra Burwewll says
Joanne – so lovely, peaceful, authentic. I picture you walking around Lake Nokomis or maybe Harriet then sitting on a bench observing and writing.
Arianne says
Joanne, your beautiful poem was a tender gif to my heart today. Thank you for stewarding your fine writing skills so meaningfully.
Anne Carey says
Your lovely poem has provided me with a powerful counter-measure to the cynicism and negativity into which I fall all too regularly these days. I have begun the practice of invoking blessings on those who come my way. It is extraordinary how this practice turns judgment into generosity. Thank you for helping me find good where I have failed to see it before!
Sue says
Thank you for this beautiful litany. As I read it, I felt as if I were walking on the path.