Justice Now | Unsplash Media
Emmett Till’s mother opened the casket.
Come and see what they did to my boy.
Come and see.
Look on the one they have pierced.
Look on sons and daughters pierced by bullets.
Look on hearts pierced by inconsolable grief.
Come and see. Come and see.
Black Panthers invited the whole world to come and see.
Come and put your hands in the bullet holes
the holes marking the path of
bullets shot into the apartment by police,
when they murdered Fred Hampton and Mark Clark.
Come and see. Come and see.
Before Fred Hampton and Mark Clark came Martin Luther King, Jr., and Medgar Evers and Denise McNair and Addie Mae Collins and Carol Robertson and Cynthia Wesley and Virgil Ware and Johnny Robinson and Viola Liuzzo and and and and and and and
And after them, Oscar Romero and Herbert Anaya and Berta Caceres and Steven Biko and Harvey Milk and Rachel Corrie and and and and and and and
Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice and Michael Brown and Philando Castile and Sandra Bland and Freddie Gray and and and and and and and
world without end
death without end
no end to mourning and memory and marching in every city, down every street.
I have marched as faithfully as I have prayed.
If I have ever marched without praying, I do not know when.
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