Oda al té
Tacita de té,
soplo de aire sabroso,
hueles a canela y a durazno.
Eres el amor puro del corazón de la casa,
Silbando tu melodía de “Tómame” en la tetera.
Se detiene el reloj en tu presencia.
Los contratiempos se destejen.
Al escuchar el silencio de la madrugada,
Se derrite el estrés mientras te preparo.
Me llamas cuando estás lista, y voy a verte.
No puedo beberte sin primero apreciarte.
Adoro tu esencia de velas e incienso.
Te abrazo con mis manos,
En una mañana de invierno.
Me despiertas con jazmín y
con bergamota me enredas en tu vapor.
Me acompaña tu calor vivo en estado líquido,
Como la encarnación de la esperanza.
Ode to Tea
Cup of tea,
Breath of delicious air,
You smell of peaches and cinnamon.
You’re the pure love of the home’s heart,
Whistling your call, “Take me in.”
The clock stops in your presence.
Misfortunes are unwoven.
You call to me when you’re ready, and I go to see you.
I can’t consume you without a hymn of appreciation.
I adore your essence of candles and incense.
I embrace you with my hands.
On a cold winter morning,
You awaken me with jasmine.
With bergamot you enfold me in your steam.
Your liquid, living warmth accompanies me,
Like the incarnation of hope.
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I attended a retreat at SJU on the “spirituality of art” more than a decade ago. I expected to include theatre, poetry and visual arts. It turned out to be on water color painting, a medium that I avoided because I thought it was unforgiving. I learned a lot during that week about painting with water colors, prayer and St. John’s. The reatreat ended the day before my birthday. I wanted water color supplies and opportunity to pain. Unfortunately the river behind my house was flooded and had taken away some of the outdoor furniture in the current. A friend and I rescued the furniture using my canoe. After that experience, i sat in my reclining chair and experienced incredible pain. I had herniated two of my upper vertebrae in paddling the canoe. It took about three months for it to heal, including a few days in Nicaragua on a coffee farm. I haven’t got back to painting, but i do drink Tea Source tea and fair trade tea, mostly herbal. Your reference to Collegeville brought back memories as did your poem on my joy of drinking tea.