Wisdom shouts in the streets
She cries out in the public square
She calls out to the crowds along the main street
Embrace wisdom, treasure her, she’s better than all riches
The Lord grants wisdom and understanding
From His mouth come knowledge and insight
Come on you simple-minded and listen
Embrace wisdom, treasure her, she’s better than all riches
Cry out for her clarity and insight
Search for her as you would for lost treasure
Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord
Embrace wisdom, treasure her, she’s better than all riches
Let her guide your thought and action
She is the common sense, the soundness, yes, the logic
She will keep you safe, peaceful, and successful
Embrace wisdom, treasure her, she’s better than all riches
Her wages better than silver and gold, more precious than rubies
She will save you from all evil traps
But the fools invite trouble by despising her
Embrace wisdom, treasure her, she’s better than all riches
Call her prudence, call her intelligence
The mother of prosperity, good name, and character
It is stupid to let her go, to turn from her
Embrace wisdom, treasure her, she’s better than all riches
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