In this series, we highlight books we think our readers may enjoy, written by authors affiliated with the Collegeville Institute.
Six Biblical Plays for Contemporary Audiences
Cascade Books, 2016
by Robin Gallaher Branch, Fall Resident Scholar 2015
Author Robin Gallaher Branch showcases concepts and characters from the Old and New Testaments in Six Biblical Plays for Contemporary Audiences. This book fills a need for biblically-based, extensively researched, yet fun-filled dramatic renditions of portions of scripture. Suitable for actors and audiences ages nine to ninety-nine, the plays promote laughter, engage the imagination, and utilize music and dance. Highlights of the book include how Joseph may have learned of Mary’s pregnancy (Matthew 1:18-19), Funny Bone’s welcome as a recognized member of the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12: 12-27), and Simple Youth’s choices as a young adult (Book of Proverbs).
Principles of Presbyterian Polity
Geneva Press, 2016
by Carlos E. Wilton, 2015 summer writing workshop participant
For pastors in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denomination, recent changes to their Constitution has meant greater flexibility and fewer rules for governance. Principles of Presbyterian Polity acts as a guide for those seeking to understand the underlying principles – the “why” in addition to the “how” – of Presbyterian polity. This book explores the historical context for the Book of Order and will deepen understanding of the denomination’s formation in the United States. Readers will be equipped with a stronger grasp of Presbyterian foundational ideals, as well as insight in how to implement them in their churches.
Camino Divina: Walking the Divine Way
SkyLight Paths, 2016
by Gina Marie Mammano, 2014 summer writing workshop participant
Camino Divina: Walking the Divine Way contains twelve interactive walking meditations featuring word-sages like Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, Annie Dillard, and John Muir. These slow-simmering, life-savoring reflections give the reader an opportunity to connect more deeply with themselves, the world around them, and the Divine. Meant to be carried along on a local stroll or a longer hike, this thoughtful book seeks to dig up the riches present both within the soul you take with you and the soil you walk upon, creating curiosity, wonder, and gratitude.
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